Sunday, 30 October 2011

第一个布娃娃 My First Fabric Doll: Sleeping Angel

我超爱Millie的Sleeping Angel,但是错过了她的课程。


Millie的人很可爱,一直看着自己做好的娃娃,猛说:“好靓呀!好靓呀!” 呵呵~
花了几个小时的时间,我终于完成了,虽然有一些地方还不完美,但是相信Practice makes perfect!!


I love Millie's Sleeping Angel doll very much, but I missed her class last time. I took initiative to contact her personally to ask whether can conduct the class again, but she is busy with other things at that moment, is quite hard to repeat her same doll class again. I felt disappointed but still retain a little hope on it to wait until she is "free" to conduct the class.

Until one day, Millie said she like my clay dolls, and suggest to have an exchange class within both of us. She teach me her Sleeping Angel and I teach her my clay doll. This is a super good news for me! Of course, I'm well prepare my heart for that day and really excited about it!

The day is coming, due to the time limitation, we try our best to learn and teach the best as we can. Millie complete a clay doll which she likes very much and keep murmuring herself, "beautiful...beautiful..." She is a very cute lady indeed. But, time was not allow me to finish my fabric doll in the class. Millie taught me some sewing and joining technique so that I can complete it at home.

Finally, I did it after few hours spent on it. yeay!! PO the doll here to share my happiness ^^ Though there are some places that not really fine, but I believe practice makes perfect! I'll keep going on it and won't disappointed my Shifu there, lol....

Work in Progress~
Da la...My doll can dance and play violin as well, hehe~

Saturday, 29 October 2011

圆碌碌钥匙环 Simple Circle Crochet Key Chain



Due to busy in works and life, my craft life has been cut for a short while.
Finally I could meet you all again with my cute series of simple crochet key chain.
Though there're looked simple, that is the way I love it, with colourful outlook.

Length (including key chain): 9.5cm
Circle diameter: approx 3.5cm

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

可爱涅~ Kawaii neh~


Haha, I can't stop once start to do this clay dolls. To challenge self limitation, this doll is only height of 5.5cm!!
Quite satisfy with her big big eyes, happy ^^
She is really cute, isn't it?

韩国男孩?Korean Boy?


I did many girl dolls but only one for boy. So, I going to challenge it again~
I'm not sure whether this is Korean hair style, very messy with a little bit managed.
Whether the secret girl going to tell this guy she loves him? hehehe...think too much~~
But you see, they looked very match in the photo right? hehee...

给爸爸妈妈的结婚周年纪念礼物 Anniversary Gift for my Parents







I planned to do a special anniversary gift for my parents few months ago, but still yet to work on it because busy with other things. Finally, get it done by today.

This gift box is very meaningful with every single character inside. Mama likes gardening, though she can't have a big garden for her flowers and grasses at home, I help her to fulfil here, hehe...Papa likes to play badminton and he goes everywhere with his bicycle in our village. Some villagers are envy to my mum because my dad carry mama behind of the bicycle every night from shop to home since they get married.

Chinese calender Aug 15 every year, we, siblings will take leave to help my dad to do moon "biscuit", it is not moon cake, it is something like bread but not soft as bread, with sesame. It is the only product in my village, can't find in the city...We really enjoy this period every year.

And, we always pour some foods that we unable to finish at the backyard of the house. Therefore, cats always be here to have their gathering. They even come into our house and born their kids. My parents are very very patient on them.

We're famous as "bicycle group" in our village. Though some villagers tease my dad said should buy a car instead, but papa said it is just nice to cycling around with in a family. And that is the great time for us in our memory...

Hereby wish my parents Happy 27th Anniversary~
Thank you for giving us a warm family...

Sunday, 2 October 2011

我的秘密 My Secret


小娃娃身高6.5cm, 也有大大的眼睛(这一次是我画到最满意的一次哦,加油加油!)


“Should I tell him I like him so much?
Will he reject me because I'm too straight?
hmmm...should I pass him the letter?"

Newly born doll with height 6.5cm.
She has big big eye which I quite satisfy drawing it this time ^^
Long hair to shoulder level with baby blue hair clip, sailor design suit and shoes with girly ribbons.
She has a secret in her heart, hide in the pink envelop behind her......

You can hang her on your beloved bags or anywhere you like.
You may also write your name on the tag prepared to make it personalize.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Supplies Surprise! Bazaar Three

今天下午有机会到Supplies Surprise! Bazaar Three逛逛,一方面是要去血拚和顺便去跟手作杂货馆的老板娘拿我订购的材料。

Visited Supplies Surprise! Bazaar Three this afternoon to get some ordered materials from Art and Zakka Shop and of course, SHOPPING!!!
There was many craft suppliers, from beads to fabric, from fabric to clays, paper crafts, all included there, I hope I have longer time inside there...
I'm really really control the little shopoholic inside me, but still spent a lot. Anyway, I hope can use them to produce better products.
Hereby PO the little thingy I bought to share my happiness because I HAVE them now which I like sooooo much...hehehehe (it will be better if I have endless cash to spend, wakkakakakaka~)