When I was a kid, I used to spend time hanging out at my neighbour's craft shop. Needless to say, of course there were some "historical" products made by me earlier and I'm thinking of sharing it with you all here.
After going through my handicraft storeroom in my hometown house, had found some small stuffs which I did about ten years ago. But still need time to treasure hunt for the others :p
万用手织袋, 有两粒可爱的小毛球 Multipurpose Crochet Purse with 2 cute yarn balls |
不知道是什么东东来的 :p Actually I can't recall I ever made this creatures and don't know what is this :p |
可爱粉红小狗 Cute Pink Puppy |
粉蓝色公主小狗 Light Pink Princess Puppy |
手编金鱼吊饰 Golden Fish Strap |
小小吊饰,丝带却粘反了>.<''' Ribbon wrongly pasted up to down |
兔兔小情侣 Rabbit lovers |
蜻蜓,留意一下不同的做法哦! Dragonfly with different making method |
这个是中学时期流行的手作锁匙圈,是用菲林壳做的哟~ This handmade key chain is famous during my secondary school, it was made by film cover. |