Friday, 17 June 2011

妈妈+布碎+缝纫机 Mum+Fabric Pieces+Sewing Machine

我还不会用缝纫机 T.T 超级羡慕会用缝纫机做出美美的包包的的朋友们~






I still not familiar with sewing machine which making me feel envy to those friends that can produce very nice products by using sewing machine.....

My mum-in-law had a piece of jeans fabric cut out from her jeans pants, I requested to keep it~

When idea comes to me, I'm with my own mum. I get her help to sew the bag with SEWING MACHINE. yeah~

Deng deng~ I have new bag to use now ^^ It can fit my long and thick purse + handphone + 1 package of facial tissue!

Thanks to both mums! ^^

We're surrounded by many things/items that we thinking they're useless, let's have some ideas on it and make it useful in your life. Let's take the first step of recycle, save our earth!

My favorite Paris tower button~

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